Artist Against Abuse
Projekt Artist Against Abuse jest współtworzony przez Fundację Against i firmę East Exhibition CIC. Projekt Artist Against Abuse to działanie łączące wystawę sztuki z przestrzenią edukacyjną.
Kuratorem jest Marysia Gąsecka.
The Artist Against Abuse project is co-created by the Against Foundation and East Exhibition CIC. Against Abuse Project is activity which connect art exhibition with education space.
Curate by Marysia Gasecka.
Fundacja Against
Foundation Against is still a young organization. According to the institution's statute, it is a non-profit activity. Foundation Against organized the celebration of World Hunger Day in Sopot in Poland. The next year was the organizer of the program addressed to fathers fighting for their rights and the rights of the child to have a father. This project was made in Warsaw in Poland. The Against Abuse Project is a new initiative that has matured for a long time.